感謝 Pussy Riot,提醒大家世界盃是在極權國家上演|李華度

以藝術形式抗議著名的 Pussy Riot,四名身穿警察服飾的成員衝入世界盃決賽球場。
世人惟有感謝,感謝再感謝。我們都被世界盃賽事所著迷、被媒體上俄羅斯人民「熱情接待」遊客的報導所迷惑。Pussy Riot 成員衝入以十億計人直播收看的世界盃決賽球場,我們再也無法無視他們的異議聲音。
有媒體以 Pussy Riot 承認責任為題,實在是走火入魔,不自覺地站在極權的一邊,承認責任!?現在是發生什麼恐佈襲擊了嗎?
Pussy Riot 衝入球場的成員,身穿警察服飾、面上掛著笑臉——他們的造型啟發自11年前去世的俄國詩人 Dmitriy Prigov。他們確實成功了,虛假的面孔及造形,成功騙過一重又一重的保安——他們實在與官方指定的劇情太吻合了。
1. 釋放所有政治犯
2. 不要因為“likes”而監禁任何人
3. 停止非法拘捕集會人士
4. 容許政黨競爭
5. 不要以「莫須有」罪名甚至無原因下監禁人民
6. 將「地上的警察」變為「天上的警察」
Pussy Riot 的行動,亦提醒大家世界盃及國際體育賽事的「審查」一面,就是禁絕異議聲音。Pussy Riot 行動後發佈的影片,竟遭國際足協提出版權申訴。近在港人身邊的,便是一次又一次的噓國歌行動,遭到亞洲足協罰款及警告——行動說明,口稱體育無關政治的國際體育組織,必然堅定地站在政治正確的一邊。這亦說明了舉辦大型的國際體育賽事為何對極權國家如此吸引,每一項大賽,都是極權國家變妝、改變國際形象的粉飾工程。
2012年 Pussy Riot 在東正教教堂的抗議行動,令他們舉世知名。2014年俄羅斯舉辦索契冬奧,Pussy Riot 成員是如此說:「對普京來說,奧運只是一個嘗試對民族主義充氣小鴨的充氣動作。在當前的俄國,沒有真正的政治,沒有真正的討論,政府只是想用民族主義概念下的各種空洞形式──用教會、體育和奧運等──來取代這些。」
請一遍又一遍,細讀 Pussy Riot 的行動聲明:
four Pussy Riot members performed in the FIFA World Cup final match —“Policeman enters the Game”
Today is 11 years since the death of the great Russian poet, Dmitriy Prigov. Prigov created an image of a policeman, a carrier of the heavenly nationhood, in the russian culture.
The heavenly policeman, according to Prigov, talks on the two-way with the God Himself. The earthly policeman gets ready to disperse rallies. The heavenly policeman gently touches a flower in a field and enjoys Russian football team victories, while the earthly policeman feels indifferent to Oleg Sentsov’s hunger strike. The heavenly policeman rises as an example of the nationhood, the earthly policeman hurts everyone.
The heavenly policeman protects baby’s sleep, the earthly policeman persecutes political prisoners, imprisons people for “reposts” and “likes”.
The heavenly policeman is the organizer of this World Cup’s beautiful carnival, the earthy policeman is afraid of the celebration. The heavenly policeman carefully watches for obeying the game rules, the earthly policeman enters the game not caring about the rules.
The FIFA World Cup has reminded us of the possibilities of the heavenly policeman in the Great Russia of the future, but the earthly policeman, entering the ruleless game breaks our world apart.
When the earthly policeman enters the game, we demand to:
1. Let all political prisoners free.
2. Not imprison for “likes”.
3. Stop Illegal arrests on rallies.
4. Allow political competition in the country.
5. Not fabricate criminal accusations and not keep people in jails for no reason.
6. Turn the earthly policeman into the heavenly policeman.