「體」醫學:如何預防大腿後肌拉傷 | 莫鑑明


2014年一項調查香港頂級足球聯賽的研究指出,大腿受傷佔全季受傷個案的15%,當中超過八成的大腿受傷便是大腿後肌拉傷 (Lee et al., 2014)。另一項剛發表嘅研究指出,大腿後肌的離心肌力(Eccentric Strengthen)不足,是大腿後肌拉傷的主要受傷因子(Lee et al., in-press)。回應在北歐的一項大腿後肌受傷研究,訓練大腿後肌離心肌力能夠有效預防七成的拉傷個案(Petersen et al., 2011)。

Nordic Hamstring便是一個簡單的大腿後肌離心肌力訓練方法。方法很簡單,首先球員跪在一個軟墊上,隊友在後方緊按球員的腳腕。當慢慢向前跌時,收縮大腿後肌減慢下跌速度,動作重複做三至五下。大家可以參考以下由FIFA提供的教學短片,係足球場上試下同你的隊友訓練大腿後肌離心肌力,預防受傷。

Lee, J.W.Y., Mok, K.M., Chan, H.C.K, Yung, P.S.H, & Chan, K.M. (2014). A prospective epidemiological study of injury incidence and injury patterns in a Hong Kong male professional football league during the competitive season. Asia-Pacific Journal of Sports Medicine, Arthroscopy, Rehabilitation and Technology, 1, 119-125.
Lee, J.W.Y., Mok, K.M., Chan, H.C.K, Yung, P.S.H, & Chan, K.M. (In-press). Eccentric hamstring strength deficit and poor hamstring-to-quadriceps ratio are risk factors for hamstring strain injury in football: A prospective study of 146 professional players. Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport.
Petersen, J., Thorborg, K., Nielsen, M. B., Budtz-Jorgensen, E., & Holmich, P. (2011). Preventative effect of eccentric training on acute hamstring injuries in men’s soccer. The American Journal of Sports Medicine, 39(11), 2296-2303.
